Abstract: Renewable energy integration in energy systems via optimization
With population growth and economic development, energy demand has also increased in past decades. This demand growth, and the new technologies that have been introduced into the grid with market liberalization, such as distributed generation and renewable energy sources, requires the power grid to be capable of handling high amounts of power and information flowing from the system operator to the end-users and vice versa, to make faster and better decisions.
Integration of renewable energy sources as distributed generation, like solar and wind, face the challenges of uncertainty and intermittency of its availability due to uncontrollable weather conditions, which cause that, if these sources are not properly coordinated with the rest of the grid, can make the power system unstable. Nevertheless, their integration contributes to the greenhouse gases emission reductions, and depending on the technology, power generation cost can be cheaper than conventional generation in the long run (after one-time high initial investment), to mention some of their benefits; this means that their integration into the power grid is highly desirable, and the above mentioned challenges must be overtaken. In this presentation, we show the development of optimization models for operations of different power systems, such as microgrids, manufacturing and data centers, to minimize the operational costs and achieve the required reliability with significant integration of renewable energy sources.