Math 586

Math 586a (Fall semester) 2 units: 

In the first semester, students are introduced to the scientific methodologies of data analysis, mathematical modeling, and applied mathematics through (a) faculty presentations once a week;  (b) student independent study of a research topic in applied mathematics.

(a) Each week, for approximately 10-12 weeks of the semester, a program professor will give a presentation on his/her research. Students are expected to attend, host at least 1 speaker, ask questions during the talk and then write a short essay (1/2 page) describing in your own words the field of study presented, formulating the main points of research inquiry in the field (potentially of interest for you if you choose to work with this professor in the future). Check the schedule of presentations. Students are expected to submit the 1/2 page report via D2L for each lecture no later than Sunday, 12pm (four days after respective lecture). 

(b) Each student is expected, within the first three weeks of the semester, to pick an adviser for this semester independent research study. Check the Applied Math faculty listing, communicate with him/her over e-mail or in person, and then inform the Program when an agreement is reached by submitting (a) name of advisor, (b) description of the subject, and (c) list of papers to study (at least 2) no later than September 30th.

  • You will have the whole semester to complete the research.  Please schedule regular meetings with the project adviser (recommended pace is once a week). 
  • We will have one session during the last week of the semester when all students from the class present the results of the independent research study in a short (15 min + 5 min for questions) presentation.  Presentation drafts (.ppt or .pdf) should be e-mailed to the Program a day before the actual presentation.
  • Your overall participation in the class will be graded as a letter grade A-E.

Math 586b (Spring semester) 2 units:

The class has two components: (a) faculty presentations once a week;  (b) student independent study of a research topic in applied mathematics:

(a) Each week, for approximately 10-12 weeks of the semester, a program professor will give a presentation on his/her research. Students are expected to attend, host at least 1 speaker, ask questions during the talk and then write a short essay (1/2 page) describing in your own words the field of study presented, formulating the main points of research inquiry in the field (potentially of interest for you if you choose to work with this professor in the future). Check the schedule of presentations. Students are expected to submit the 1/2 page report via D2L for each lecture no later than Sunday, 12pm (four days after respective lecture). 

(b)  Each student is expected, within the first three weeks of the semester, to pick an advisor for this semester independent research study. Check the Applied Math faculty listing; communicate with him/her over e-mail or in person, and then inform the Program when an agreement is reached also submitting the name of the advisor and description of the subject (title) no later than January 30th.

  • You will have the whole semester to complete the research.  Please schedule regular meetings with the project adviser (recommended pace is once a week). 
  • We will have one session during the last week of the semester when all students from the class present the results of the independent research study in a short (15 min + 5 min for questions) presentation. Presentation drafts (.ppt or .pdf ) should be uploaded a day before the actual presentation to D2L.
  • You are also expected to submit a written report (~10 page latex-produced, .pdf formatted document) before June 15th to D2L. 
  • Think of the report as a research paper in making.  Explain what the problem is? Why it is important? What is state of the art? Then detail your original approach, showing some results, and outlining path forward if you are to continue the studies.
  • Your overall participation in the class will be graded as a letter grade A-E.

Math 599 (or Dept 599) 3 units; Fall semester of 2nd year in Program:

In their third semester, students conduct advanced individual study of a research topic in applied mathematics. Each student is expected to select an advisor for this semester/term-long advanced independent study. Students should:

  • present results of the independent study at the fall workshop;
  • submit a written, research paper grade report (~ 20 page latex-produced, .pdf formatted document) by 11:59pm of December 31st. In other details, this activity follows generic rules of the Math586 sequence described above. (586C is the new, yet unofficial, number for the Research and Tutorial Group, Math 599)
  • Your overall participation in the project will be graded as Pass/Fail.


Schedule for Fall, 2023: 
All sessions held on Wednesdays at 4:00pm at ENR2, Room S395
8/30/23 Marat Latypov, Materials Science & Engineering
Student Host: Eric Chirtel
Graphs, transformers, and selected materials science problems  
9/13/23 Rick Michod, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Student Host: Aiza Kabeer
Evolutionary transitions in individuality

Video of talk

This talk will be given on Zoom only:
Password: math

9/20/23 Joanna Masel, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Student Host: Blake Bates
Beyond fitness: evolution in two dimensions  
9/27/23 Russell Witte, Medical Imaging
Student Host: Stephanie Marsh
Transcranial Acoustoelectric Brain Imaging  
10/4/23 Pierre Deymier, Matherials Science & Engineering
Student Host: Jake Callahan
New Frontiers of Sound Science and Technology Center  
10/11/23 Ingmar Riedel-Kruse, MCB
Student Host: Jay Schaffer
Synthetic cell-cell adhesins and 4-bit logic for
programming multicellular interface patterns
10/18/23 Ardith El-Kareh, BIO5
Student Host: Heng Wu
Mathematical modeling of cancer growth and treatment  
10/25/23 Johan Rafelski, Physics
Student Host: Ian Luff
Exploring the early universe  
11/8/23 Laura Miller, Mathematics
Student Host: Novel Dey
Flows around some soft corals Zoom only:
11/15/23 Jan Wehr, Mathematics
Student Host: Eric Sung
Stochastic differential equations and their applications  
11/29/23 Avelino Arellano, Hydrology & Atmo Sci
Student Host: David Ryan
Data Assimilation and Inverse Modeling of the Atmospheric Composition  
Schedule for Spring, 2023: 
All sessions held on Wednesdays at 4:00pm at the Math bldg. Room 501  or
Zoom:    password: math
1/18/23 Marek Rychlik, Mathematics
Student host: Jacob Quintero
Teaching machines to read, and how it will save lives Joint with Math graduate  program
1/25/23 Kaitlin Kratter, Astronomy & Steward Observatory
Student host: Marium Yousuf 
From PDEs to the Solar System Video
2/1/23 Ingmar Riedel, MCB
Student host: Rebekah Saucier
Synthetic cell-cell adhesins and 4-bit logic for programming multicellular interface patterns
2/8/23 Eric Butcher, AME
Student host: Rishi Pawar
Feedback Reshaping in the Delayed Kuramoto Model and Attitude Consensus Control Video
2/15/23 Kyle Hanquist, AME
Student host: Ilya Kuk
Importance of Modeling to Hypersonic Flight Video
2/22/23 Chicheng Zhang, Computer Science
Student host: Saheed Ganiyu
Multi-task bandit and reinforcement learning through heterogeneous feedback aggregation Video
3/15/23 Eduardo Blanco, Computer Science
Student host: Andrew Arnold
Natural Language Processing: Introduction and Ongoing Research Projects  
3/22/23 Alan Newell, Mathematics
Math student will host
Patterns and their order parameters Joint with Math graduate program
3/29/23 Ibrahim Fatkullin, Mathematics
Math student will host
Topics in computational geometry and approximation theory Video
Joint with Math graduate program
4/5/23 Janek Wehr, Mathematics
Student host: Christian Cooper
Motility-induced phase separation Video
Joint with Math graduate program
4/12/23 Laura Miller, Mathematics
Math student will host
Flows around some soft corals Video
Joint with Math graduate program
4/19/23 Ardith El-Kareh. BIO5
Student host: Ayrton Almada Jimenez

Schedule for Fall, 2022: 
All sessions held on Wednesdays at 4:00pm at the Math bldg. Room 501  or
Zoom:    password: math

8/24/2022 Misha Chertkov, Applied Mathematics
Student host:
System 2 Applied Mathematics Video
8/31/22 Ingmar Riedel, MCB
Student host: Kevin Beck
Synthetic cell-cell adhesins and 4-bit logic for programming multicellular interface patterns Video
9/14/22 Joanna Masel, EEB
Student host: Asha Barua
2 mini talks: 1) Beyond fitness: evolution in two dimensions, and 2) Risk analysis for optimal deployment of non-pharmaceutical interventions Video
10/5/2022 Guang Yao, MCB
Student host: Edward Huynh
Modeling to identify the robust modulators of cellular sleep Video
10/12/2022 Leonid Kunyansky, Mathematics
Student host: Rishi Pawar
Inverse problems for partial differential equations, arising in imaging and medical tomography Video
10/19/2022 Ardith El-Kareh, Bio5
Student host: Christian Cooper
Mathematical modeling of cancer growth and treatment Video
11/2/2022 Russell Witte, Medical Imaging
Student host: Rebekah Saucier
Mapping Current Densities in the Brain with Transcranial Acoustoelectric Imaging Video
11/9/2022 Marat Latypov, MSE
Student host: Marium Yousuf
Challenges and opportunities in computational thermodynamics of materials  
11/16/2022 Laura Miller, Mathematics
Student host: Saheed Ganiyu
Using computational fluid dynamics to understand muscle driven movement by soft tissues and bodies: Case studies in tubular hearts and jellyfish Video
11/30/2022 Johann Rafelski, Physics
Student host: Andrew Arnold
Particles and Plasmas in the Universe Video

Schedule for Spring, 2022: 
All sessions held on Wednesdays at 4:00pm at ENR2 Room S395 or

date professor title & abstract notes
1/12/2022 No class this week    
1/19/22 Marat Latypov, Materials Science & Engineering
Student host: Teddy Meissner
Materials informatics of structural metals and alloys
1/26/2022 Leonid Kunyansky, Mathematics
Student host: Ed McDugald and Joseph Ruiz
Inverse problems for partial differential equations,arising in imaging and medical tomography
Jointly with Mathematics - via Zoom only
2/2/2022 Jerry Moloney, Optical Sciences, Mathematics
Student host: Ari Bormanis and John Park
Applications of Applied Mathematics to Extreme Nonlinear Optics Research
Jointly with Mathematics - via Zoom only
2/9/2022 Rick Michod, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Student host: Sheila Whitman
Evolutionary Transitions in Individuality (background reading material will be sent via email)
Zoom only
2/16/2022 Kwang-Sung Jun, Computer Science
Student host: Jackson Zariski
Recent Developments of Interactive Machine Learning using Bandit Algorithms
2/23/2022 Ardith El-Kareh Fox, Physiology/ Microcirculation
Student host: Aaron Larsen
Mathematical modeling of cancer treatment: cellular pharmacodynamics, the cell cycle, and tumor-immune interactions  
3/2/2022 Guang Yao, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Student host: Akshita Sharma
Model and modulate the cellular state of silence
3/9/2022 No class - Spring Break    
3/16/2022 Travis Sawyer, Optical Sciences
Student host:  Sam Nasreldine
Advancing cancer imaging and diagnosis through mathematical modeling, optimization, and analysis
Zoom only
3/23/2022 Gregory Ditzler, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Student host: Ben Stilin
Theory of Adaboost
3/30/2022 Veaceslav Coropceanu, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Student host: Riyaaz Ray Vachani
Multiscale modeling of electronic processes in organic systems
4/6/2022 Hong Li, Chemistry & Biochemstrty
Student host: Ana Fernandez-Sirgo
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of 2D π-Conjugated Covalent Organic Frameworks
4/13/2022 Chris Henderson, Mathematics
Student host: Ana Fernandez-Sirgo
Front propagation in reaction-diffusion equations Jointly with Mathematics - In the Math Bldg, Room 501
4/20/2022 Andrew Paek, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Student host: Woody March-Steinman
Self-organization of two-dimensional colonic monolayers as a model system for pattern formation
4/27/22 Misha Chertkov, Applied Mathematics
Student host: Jackson Zariski
System 2 Applied Mathematics
Jointly with Mathematics @ ENR2 S395 and zoom (see link above)

Jan Wehr, Mathematics
Student host:

Marcel Hudiani

Mathematical models of microswimmers and other diffusive systems Jointly with Mathematics - Zoom only @ 
no password


Schedule for Spring, 2021:  All sessions held via zoom

date professor title & abstract notes
1/13/2021 Misha Chertkov, Applied Mathematics
host: Robert Ferrando
Graphical Models of Pandemic Video
1/20/2021 Marek Rychlik, Mathematics
host: Dan Van Boxel
Sequence-to-sequence mapping problem and CTC Video
held jointly with Math graduate program
1/27/2021 Jan Wehr, Mathematics
host: Fiona McCann
Emergent collective behavior of interacting microswimmers Video
held jointly with Math graduate program
2/3/2021 Leonid Kunyansky, Mathematics
host: Jalen Cates
Inverse problems for partial differential equations, arising in imaging and medical tomography Video
held jointly with Math graduate program
2/10/2021 C.K. Chan, Astronomy & Steward Observatory
host: Marta Sowinski
Imaging Black Hole at Event Horizon Scale-Interferometry Image Reconstructions Video
2/17/2021 Bernard Parent, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
host: Vianella Spaeth
Overcoming Stiffness in Simulating Plasma Flows Video
2/24/2021 Laura Miller, Mathematics
host: Dunia Fernandez
Using computational fluid dynamics to understand jellyfish swimming and feeding Video
held jointly with Math graduate program
3/3/2021 Ibrahim Fatkullin, Mathematics
host: Matthew McCaskey
Statistical mechanics of graphs and partitions Video
held jointly with Math graduate program
3/17/2021 Kris Klein, Lunar & Planetary Sciences
host: Erica Papke
Plasma Instabilities in the Young Solar Wind: Thermodynamics far from Equilibrium Video
3/24/2021 Taqi Raza, Management Information Systems
host: Alex Christensen
In(Security) and Un(Availability) of 4G/5G Networked Systems  
3/31/2021 Lise Marie Imbert-Gerard, Mathematics
host: Addie Harrison
Wave propagation in inhomogeneous media: An introduction to Generalized
Plane Waves
held jointly with Math graduate program
4/7/2021 Xubin Zeng, Hydrology & Atmospheric Sciences
host: Alyssa Burritt
The Duet of Machine Learning and Conventional Modeling in Earth System Science: A Personal Journey Video
4/14/2021 Xueying Tang, Mathematics
host: Nick Bagley
Subtask Analysis of Process Data Through a Predictive Model Video
held jointly with Math graduate program
4/28/2021 Jianqiang Cheng, Systems & Industrial Engineering
host: Bao Do
Computationally Efficient Reformulations and Approximations for Chance Constrained Optimization Video
5/5/2021 Tonatiuh Sanchez-Vizuet, Mathematics
host: Eonho Chang
The hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method: an application to plasma equilibrium in fusion reactors


held jointly with Math graduate program

Schedule for Spring, 2020:  All sessions held via Zoom

1/15/2020 Roberto Furfaro, Systems & Industrial Engineering
(host: Brian Toner)
Deep Learning Algorithms for Autonomous Guidance: Applications to Hypersonics and Planetary Landing Guidance  
1/22/2020 Leonid Kunyansky,  Mathematics Inverse problems arising in biomedical imaging *Joint session with Math
1/29/2020 Pavlo Krokhmal, Systems & Industrial Engineering (host: Sheldon Deeny) Modeling and Optimization of Cascading Processes in Networks as Stochastic Processes on Multiscale Graphs  
2/5/2020 Derek Lemoine, Economics (host: Patricia Puente) Optimal Policy in a Tipping Climate  
2/12/2020 Sunder Sethuraman, Mathematics (host: Brady Gales) On some "random" directions *Joint session with Math
2/19/2020 Shankar Venkataramani, Mathematics Geometry and Topology in the "real world"
*Joint session with Math
2/26/2020 Chris Henderson, Mathematics Qualitative aspects of evolution PDE *Joint session with Math
3/4/2020 Bo Guo, Hydrology / Atmospheric Sciences (host: Adrienne Kinney) Mathematical modeling of porous media flow for energy and environmental problems in Earth’s subsurface  
3/11/2020 Spring break - no class    
3/18/2020 Laura Condon, Hydrology / Atmospheric Sciences (host: Sarah Pungitore) Integrated hydrologic modeling at the continental scale; scientific advances and research needs Zoom:
3/25/2020 Larry Head, Systems & Industrial Engineering (host: Sheldon Deeny) V2X Mobility Applications: MMITSS, CV Work Zone, EVA, Cooperative Safety Zoom:
4/1/2020 Mihai Surdeanu, Computer Science (host: Teddy Broeren) Our Quest for Interpretable Natural Language Processing Zoom:
4/8/2020 Ildar Gabitov, Mathematics (host: Will Gammel) Mathematics of  Novel Optical Materials *Joint session with Math Zoom:
4/15/2020 Ronald Brieger, Sociology CANCELLED  

Ibrahim Fatkullin, Mathematics

(host: Sarah Luca)

Revisiting Quadratic Approximations *Joint session with Math

Jian Liu, Systems & Industrial Engineering

(host: Criston Hyett)

Characterizing Spatial-Temporal Patterns with Functional Data Analytics Zoom:

Schedule for Spring, 2019:
The class will meet on Wednesdays at 4:00pm in the Math Bldg., Room 514 unless otherwise indicated in the Notes

Date professor talk title abstract notes
1/16/2019 Calvin Zhang, Mathematics Some research topics in mathematical neuroscience and bio-fluid dynamics abstract  
1/23/2019 Misha Chertkov, Applied Mathematics Interpretable & Tractable Machine Learning for Natural  and Engineering Sciences abstract Joint session with Math (Room 501)
1/30/2019 Eleonora Tubaldi, AME Nonlinear Dynamics: a transversal analysis to investigate the world we live in abstract  
2/6/2019 Robert Sims, Mathematics Locality in Quantum Spin Systems abstract Joint session with Math (Room 501)
2/13/2019 Pierre Deymier, MSE Topological Acoustics abstract  
2/20/2019 Anatoli Tumin, AME Role of boundary layer flow in design of hypersonic vehicles abstract  
2/27/2019 Mathieu Joerger, AME Multisensory Safety Monitoring for Autonomous Vehicles abstract  
3/13/2019 Karl Glasner, Mathematics Particle and continuum models for self-organization and self-assembly abstract  
3/20/2019 Aaron Rosengren, AME Mathematical aspects of satellite orbit prediction abstract  
3/27/2019 Joellen Russell, Geosciences TBA    
4/3/2019 Marek Rychlik, Mathematics From Perceptron to Deductron - a tour of Neural Nets and Optical Character Recognition abstract  
4/10/2019 Janek Wehr, Mathematics Quantum mechanics in the presence of disorder abstract Joint session with Math (Room 501)
4/17/2019 Ibrahim Fatkullin, Mathematics Mathematical models in condensed matter physics abstract Joint session with Math (Room 501)
4/24/2019 Ave Arellano, Hydrology & Atmo Science Data Assimilation and Inverse Modeling of the Atmospheric Composition abstract