Abstract: Microscopic modeling of ultrafast lasers
Vertical External Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) are modern powerhouses in terms of current technological improvements. The current state-of-the-art in numerically modeling these lasers involves the coupling of Maxwell’s wave equations to the Semiconductor Bloch Equations (MSBE). We discuss previous work with these equations, specifically strategies devised for ultra-short pulse generation. We proceed to discuss the transverse Maxwell Semiconductor Bloch Equation (tMSBE) model, it’s basic modifications and preliminary results, along with some desired goals for the future. This includes generalizing to arbitrary cavity geometries and non-normal incidences, modulating our gain region to study PT symmetry within a VECSEL, implementing intensity and temperature dependence within the refractive indices of our gain chip to study Kerr and thermal lensing effects with regards to self-mode-locking, and general characterizations of higher order mode generation and pulse instabilities through the manipulation of transverse pumping schemes.