Corona Virus Modeling Group
We are at a moment in time where mathematical models have a significant role in public policy. A group of us have had informal discussions to better understand the issues and how we might get involved in addressing some of them. To this end, we are planning on starting a working group for people interested in modeling/data analysis/control and mitigation strategies for COVID-19, and more generally, for epidemics.
We will repurpose the Tuesday seminar slots (12:30-1:30 pm) to run a zoom seminar for the remainder of the term. This will be a forum to learn about the mathematical modeling of epidemics, of methods to deal with limited/uncertain data and questions about how to design/compare mitigation strategies.
The link to join the zoom meeting is Misha Chertkov will get things started with a presentation tomorrow (3/24).
Our apologies for this mass mailing. To get future updates, please subscribe to the mailing list for this working group by sending an email to
We have a small collection of some of the relevant work, as well as short projects at the level of a first-year grad student on a google drive folder: (This folder is viewable by everyone with a account. Please let one of us know if you would like to have edit access so that you can add material etc.)
Alternatively, this material also available on UA Box at
Best wishes,
Misha Chertkov, Kevin Lin and Shankar Venkataramani