
Multidisciplinary Research in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing


2 p.m., Oct. 8, 2021

In collaboration with academic, industrial, and other government laboratory partners, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) conducts world-class scientific research and development on problems in computer science, computational physics, applied mathematics, and data science. CASC applies the power of high-performance computing and the efficiency of modern computational methods to the realms of stockpile stewardship, cyber and energy security, knowledge discovery for intelligence applications, and basic scientific discovery.  As the focus for research efforts in the Computation Directorate, CASC also leads the development of methods and techniques that advance the discipline of scientific computing.

In this talk, we will first present an overview of CASC and then we will take a deeper dive into topics at the intersection of computational science and data science. In particular, Youngsoo Choi will present his recent work on physics-constrained data-driven reduced order modeling that can accurately accelerate computationally expensive physical simulations. He will present several example problems, from 2D Burgers equation to Lagrangian hydrodynamics, with reduced order models that achieved speedups from 10X up to 70X with relative error less than 1%.

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