Colloquium (as part of NREL Day)

Power System Modeling and Optimization to Understand Critical Energy Pathways


2 p.m., Sept. 24, 2021

We are witnessing a revolutionary transition of energy infrastructure around the world. As infrastructure systems transform, they will be required to deliver critical services reliably, resiliently, securely, affordably, and in an environmentally responsible fashion. Additionally, advances in computation and connectivity have enabled emerging opportunities and challenges for system integration to support these requirements of modern infrastructure. Infrastructure modernization is disrupting the status quo of markets, planning, and operational procedures. NREL strives to address these challenges and help evaluate and understand energy infrastructure transformation across a broad technology landscape through the development and analysis of leading-edge modeling tools, solution methods, and datasets. This presentation will showcase key NREL modeling and analysis activities focusing on NRELs open-access datasets and a new suite of open-source infrastructure system models.

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