A Survey of Atmospheric Sciences Research Conducted with Observational Methods Coupled to Machine Learning Tools
The complexity of aerosol particles and clouds, including especially their interactions, is widely recognized. While aerosol particles themselves impact clouds, clouds also influence aerosol particles in ways that are poorly understood. This talk will report on recent efforts probing these complex interactions in addition to air quality with field measurements and complementary datasets. Of particular emphasis will be studies combining observational datasets and machine learning techniques.
Speakers Bio: Armin Sorooshian is a professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Arizona. He received his BS degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Arizona and his MS/PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering from Caltech. He specializes in field measurements relevant to aerosol-cloud interactions and has been involved with 15 airborne field projects since 2004. He is currently the PI of the NASA EVS-3 mission ACTIVATE.
Place: Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91295185866?pwd=cWppb3YrYXkrNEFLRXpIam5GbEwvQT09