Quantitative Biology Colloquium

Introduction to Dynamic Mode Decomposition


4 p.m., Feb. 1, 2022

Robert Ferrando will lead a discussion of chapter 1 of Dynamic Mode Decomposition by Kutz et al., establishing the theoretical foundations and standard uses of DMD as an algorithm for data-driven dynamical systems. In addition, some simple algorithmic implementations of DMD will be demonstrated in the Julia programming language. We will end with a broad discussion of potential applications to DMD in various fields, including computational neuroscience and epidemiology. This discussion will set the stage for more in-depth sessions later in the semester.  This will be a co-convened session with the newly formed Dynamic Mode Decomposition reading group. 

Place:              Math Building, Room 402 and Zoom:  :   https://arizona.zoom.us/j/89712326534  Password: math