Modeling, Computation, Nonlinerarity, Randomness and Waves Seminar

Mathematical modeling of marine organisms implemented in an immersed boundary framework


12:30 p.m., Feb. 3, 2022

Animal behavior such as swimming results from interactions between the body of the organism and its surrounding fluid environment. Examining the dynamics of these fluid-structure interactions can help shed light on essential behavior characteristics such as physical constraints on the coordination of the various systems involved. In this talk, I will discuss the motivation for studying biological systems such as lamprey swimming and jellyfish feeding and the models used for these studies. These models are numerically solved using immersed boundary methods, a class of fluid-structure interaction implementations that are an established approach for scientific computation in biofluids. I will discuss some of the results and biological insights these models have produced and the current directions of our research.

Place: Hybrid: Math, 402 and Zoom  Password:  “arizona” (all lower case)