What kind of data and tools do customers need today for air quality monitoring and management?
As part of the CityAir and University of Arizona Air Quality Seminar, 5 meetings have already been held. 5 amazing experts shared their experience. In our opinion, the time has come to sum up the interim results of the project and discuss together the possible benefits of this platform for the research community. Dmitry will share his vision of market needs, tell how researchers can collaborate with CityAir and show how CityAir products based on mathematical modeling work. We invite everyone interested to take part in the dialogue. Your input will help us make the workshop more useful to the Modeling, Monitoring, and Forecasting air quality at regional scale expert community.
Place: Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91295185866?pwd=cWppb3YrYXkrNEFLRXpIam5GbEwvQT09