Every Patient Deserves Their Own Equation: Patient-Specific Mathematical Neuro-Oncology
Glioblastoma are notoriously aggressive, malignant brain tumors that have variable response to treatment. Mathematical neuro-oncology (MNO) is a burgeoning field that leverages patient-tuned mathematical models to predict and quantify response to therapies. These mathematical models can form the basis of modern "precision medicine" approaches to tailor therapy in a patient-specific manner. These models can be used to overcome imaging limitations, improve prognostic predictions, stratify patients, and assess treatment response in silico in the construction of effective clinical trials and treatment protocols, thus accelerating the pace of clinical research. This talk will focus on the growing translation of PSM to clinical neuro-oncology.
Math Building, Room 402 and Zoom: : https://arizona.zoom.us/j/89712326534 Password: math