Simulations of Many-body Interactions in Two-Dimensional Materials
Abstract: Atomically thin two-dimensional materials are direct bandgap semiconductors with a rich interplay of the valley and spin degrees of freedom, which offer the potential for electronics and optoelectronics. A strong Coulomb interaction leads to tightly bound electron-hole pairs or excitons and two-electron one-hole quasiparticles or trions. We solve the two-particle and three-particle problems for the wavefunctions for excitons and trions in the basis set of the model- Hamiltonian for single particles. The calculated linear absorptions, photoluminescence spectra, and polariton spectra as a function of doping and temperature explain the experimental data in 2D monolayers and predict novel spectroscopic features due to the many-body Coulomb interactions. Exciton lifetime plays a crucial role in optoelectronic applications. I will discuss the phonon-assisted Auger non-radiative decay mechanism of excitons in doped 2D materials. This material is based upon work supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under award number FA9550-22-1-0312.