Acoustoelectric Imaging: A New Way to Map Electrical Currents in the Brain
Speaker: Margaret Miles Allard, Optical Sciences, University of Arizona
Title: Acoustoelectric Imaging: A New Way to Map Electrical Currents in the Brain
Abstract: Abnormal electrical brain activity is correlated with many common disorders including Parkinson’s, Epilepsy, and Depression. The current non-invasive electrical imaging standards have progressed in recent years but fundamentally cannot capture fine spatial and temporal patterns in the brain without invasive measures. Consequently, there is an unmet need for a new electrical brain mapping modality that can safely and accurately map currents at a finer and deeper level. Transcranial Acoustoelectric Brain Imaging (tABI) is an emerging technology with the potential to meet this need. tABI combines pulsed ultrasound (US) with electrical sensing to safely and accurately map electrical currents in the brain at the millimeter and millisecond scale.