Student Brown Bag Seminar

Opportunities in Operations Research at the Naval Postgraduate School


1 – 2 p.m., Feb. 16, 2024



Speaker:          Daniel Eisenberg, Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School 

                        Jefferson Huang, Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School

Title:               Opportunities in Operations Research at the Naval Postgraduate School

Abstract:         The Naval Postgraduate School Operations Research (OR) Department is one of the oldest, largest, and most highly respected OR departments in the U.S. Notably, the NPS OR department is exceptional by its integration of superior graduate education with a commitment to solving real problems for the US military and allies. In this seminar, Dr. Eisenberg and Dr. Huang will share their experience as newer faculty in the NPS OR Department and describe opportunities for graduate research, internship, post-doc, and faculty appointments.