
Formation of zonal jets as a Bose-Einstein condensation process


1:30 – 2:30 p.m., Feb. 17, 2023


Zonal jets in geophysical fluids and in fusion plasmas are often mentioned together because some important basic mechanisms of their formation and nonlinear dynamics can be understood within the same nonlinear PDE - the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima equation. I will explain how  formation of the zonal jets is similar to a Bose-Condensation process which, in nonequilibrium settings, takes the form of an anisotropic inverse cascade of turbulent energy. I will explain how presence of an additional invariant -- zonostrophy -- makes the nonequilibrium cascading states anisotropic, and how it makes the condensation phase diagram two-dimmensional.  Finally, I will explain how the zonal jets regulate the drift and QG turbulence and lead to formation of turbulent transport barriers.

Place:             Math, 501 and Zoom: Password:  applied