Why do we have the Integration Worskhop?
- To provide new Applied Math graduate students with a head start on the goals and objectives of the first year core classes and of the qualification process.
- To give students the opportunity to meet professors affiliated with the Program.
- To experience ``Programming for Applied Mathematicians” Bootcamp led by senior Applied Math graduate students.
- To take a self-evaluation ``Diagnostic Exam” aimed at testing your knowledge of the undergraduate math which will be needed in our classes and beyond.
Tentative Summer 2023 Workshop Schedule:
Location for all 3 days: ENR2 Room S215
Day #1 (August 7):
9am -9:50am Lecture by Prof. Misha Chertkov /Discussion
10:10am-11:00am Lecture by Prof. Shankar Venkataramani /Discussion
11:20am-12:10pm Lecture by Prof. Marek Rychlik /Discussion
12:10-2pm Lunch break (catered)
2pm – 4pm Programming Bootcamp w/senior AM students Day #1
Day #2 (August 8):
9am -9:50am Lecture by Prof. Ibrahim Fatkullin/Discussion
10:10am-11:00am Lecture by Prof. Charles Wolgemuth /Discussion
11:20am-12:10pm Lecture by Prof. Misha Stepanov /Discussion
12:10 – 2 pm Lunch break (catered)
2pm – 4pm Programming Bootcamp w/senior AM students Day #2
Day #3 (August 9):
9am -11am Programming Bootcamp w/senior AM students Day #3 (fun projects)
11am-1pm Lunch break (catered)
1pm-3pm Programming Bootcamp w/senior AM students Day #3/afternoon (fun projects debrief)
Student Organizers: