Quantitative Biology Colloquium

An approximate Bayesian computation approach for embryonic astrocyte migration model selection


4 – 5 p.m., March 19, 2024

Speakers:         Tracy Stepien, Department of Mathematics, University of Florida

Title:                An approximate Bayesian computation approach for embryonic astrocyte migration model selection

Abstract:         During embryonic development of the retina of the eye, astrocytes, a type of glial cell, migrate over the retinal surface and form a dynamic mesh. This mesh then serves as scaffolding for blood vessels to form the retinal vasculature network that supplies oxygen and nutrients to the inner portion of the retina. Astrocyte spreading proceeds in a radially symmetric manner over the retinal surface. Additionally, astrocytes mature from astrocyte precursor cells (APCs) to immature perinatal astrocytes (IPAs) during this embryonic stage. We extend a previously developed continuum model that describes tension-driven migration and oxygen and growth factor influenced proliferation and differentiation. Comparing numerical simulations to experimental data, we identify model equation components that can be removed via model comparison using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC). Our results verify experimental studies indicating that choroid oxygen supply plays a negligible role in promoting differentiation of APCs into IPAs and in promoting IPA proliferation, and the hyaloid artery oxygen supply and APC apoptosis play negligible roles in astrocyte spreading and differentiation.

Meet in Math, 402 or Zoom:  https://arizona.zoom.us/j/85609829567    Passcode: QBC