Three types of quasi-Trefftz functions for the 3D convected Helmholtz equation: construction and theoretical approximation properties
Trefftz methods are numerical methods for the approximation of solutions to boundary and/or initial value problems. They are Galerkin methods with particular test and trial functions, which solve locally the governing partial differential equation (PDE). This property is called the Trefftz property. Quasi-Trefftz methods were introduced to leverage the advantages of Trefftz methods for problems governed by variable coefficient PDEs, by relaxing the Trefftz property into a so-called quasi-Trefftz property: test and trial functions are not exact solutions but rather local approximate solutions to the governing PDE.
Aiming at developing quasi-Trefftz methods for aero-acoustics problems governed by the convected Helmholtz equation, we will discuss the question of the definition, construction and approximation properties of three families of quasi-Trefftz functions: two based on generalizations on plane wave solutions, and one polynomial.
Place: Hybrid: Math, 402 and Zoom Password: “arizona” (all lower case)