John N. Aarsvold
1985 to 1993
Associate Professor, Emory University
Craig K. Abbey
1991 to 1998
Researcher, University of California, Santa Barbara
Ruby Abrams
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Critical Path Institute (C-Path)
Alberto Acevedo
Postdoc, Quantum Technologies, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera & Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain
Alejandro Aceves
1984 to 1988
Professor, Southern Methodist University
Hatsuo Adachihara
1983 to 1989
Jesse Adams
2013 to 2019
Postdoctoral Researcher, Nevada National Security Site
Mona Alameddine (Roddier)
1986 to 1993
Zakaria M. Alawneh
1986 to 1990
Associate Professor, Umm Al-Qurra University
Zakaria M. Alawneh
1986 to 1990
Associate Professor, Umm Al-Qurra University
Orna Amir
1995 to 1999
Analytics Group Manager, Waze, Google
Kevin R. Anderson
1992 to 1998
Vice President, Greater Twin Cities United Way
Julia C. Arciero
2003 to 2008
Associate Professor, Indiana University--Purdue University Indianapolis
Sheree Arpin
2001 to 2007
Assistant Professor, Framingham State University
Alexa Aucoin
Fernando Avila-Murillo
1983 to 1991
Brenae Bailey
2004 to 2014
Lecturer, University of Arizona
Jared Barber
2003 to 2009
Assistant Professor, Indiana University--Purdue University Indianapolis
Karl G. Bauer
1994 to 1999
Matthew A. Beauregard
2002 to 2008
Professor & Interim Chair, Stephen F. Austin State University
Hamidreza Behjoo
Brian Bell
A-4 group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Benjamin P. Berman
2009 to 2015
MITRE Corporation
Computational Imaging Scientist
Benjamin P. Berman
2009 to 2015
MITRE Corporation
Computational Imaging Scientist
Lisa J. Bernstein
1985 to 1991
Senior Principal Statistical Scientist, Genentech
Lisa J. Bernstein
1985 to 1991
Senior Principal Statistical Scientist, Genentech
Jeremiah Birrell
2009 to 2014
Marshall H. Stone Visiting Asst Professor, Univ of Massachusetts Amherst
Kbenesh Blayneh
1989 to 1995
Professor, Florida A&M University
Bojan Bojan Durickovic
2005 to 2011
Vacuum Group Leader, Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University
Brian Bollen
Senior Software Engineer, Airspace
Michael Borghese
2011 to 2017
Research Scientist, Amazon
Richard A. Brazier
1992 to 1997
Sr. Assoc Dean, Penn State Commonwealth
Prof Math & Geology
Theodore Broeren
Senior Engineer: Research & Development, Raytheon Technologies
Jackson K. Burton
2011 to 2016
Scientific Director of Mathematical and Statistical Medicine, Critical Path Institute
Annalisa M. Calini
1989 to 1994
Program Director in Applied Mathematics, NSF
Marcos Campini
1987 to 1991
Yi-Fen Cheng
1987 to 1993
Carlos Chiquete
2005 to 2011
Postdoc, Shock and Dentonation Physics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Colin Clark
2011 to 2019
Rincon Research Corporation
Darin Comeau
2007 to 2013
Staff Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Daniel Coombs
1996 to 2001
Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of British Columbia
Marc Courtemanche
1988 to 1993
Director, Solution Architecture, Vantrix Corporation
Robert Crandall
2008 to 2018
Research Scientist, Amazon Go
Robert Crandall
2008 to 2018
Research Scientist, Amazon Go
Kathleen M. Crowe
1987 to 1991
Director of Data Science, Intel Corporation
Justin Crum
Systems Engineer, Raytheon, Tucson, AZ
Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco
1989 to 1995
Professor, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Haiyan Cui
1988 to 1995
Research Specialist, Sr., Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona
Arie Dagan
1983 to 1986
Caleb Dahlke
Postdoctoral Fellow, UQ-SciML Group, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Serina Diniega
2004 to 2010
Scientist/Systems Engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Joseph Dinius
2007 to 2014
Senior Research Engineer, UBTECH Robotics, North America R&D Center
Thomas A. Doerr
1978 to 1983
Ramone Angel Durazo-Arvizu
1987 to 1994
Professor Public Health Sciences, Loyola University Chicago
Luke Edwards
2014 to 2019
Cryptography Engineer, Aztec, United Kingdom
Nwabuisi N.O. Elele
1983 to 1988
Michael P. Elfendahl
1988 to 1994
Joseph Erker
1992 to 2002
Professor Mathematics, Pima Community College
Jesus Adrian Espinola-Rocha
1997 to 2006
Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
George C. Fennemore
1991 to 1995
Permit Specialist, Barrick Gold Corporation
Leobardo Fierro Murga
1987 to 1993
M. Gregory Forest
1974 to 1979
Grant Dahlstrom Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
Eric Forgoston
2000 to 2006
Professor, Montclair State University
Cecilia Fosser
1994 to 2000
Director, Cytel
Sarah Frey Eichhorn
2000 to 2004
Associate Vice Provost, Teaching and Learning, University of California Irvine
William Fries
Modeling Engineer, Raytheon Tucson, AZ
Brendan Fry
2008 to 2013
Assistant Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Brandon Gallas
1992 to 2001
Mathematician, Imaging Physicist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Martin Gildardo Garcia-Alvarado
1991 to 1998
Professor, Universidad de Sonora
Luis Garcia-Naranjo
2000 to 2007
Associate Professor, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy
James Gartside
1989 to 1995
Jonathan E. Gayek
1979 to 1984
John B. Geddes
1990 to 1994
Professor, Olin College
John Gemmer
2006 to 2012
Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University
Victoria Gershuny
2014 to 2019
Scientist, FDA
Rahman Ghamasaee
1987 to 1997
Faculty, Northlake College
Howard Gifford
1989 to 1997
Associate Professor, University of Houston
Scott A. Glasgow
1988 to 1993
Associate Professor, Brigham Young University
Kevin Gomez
2014 to 2020
Sr. Systems Engineer, Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, AZ
Ted Gooley
1984 to 1990
Director of Clinical Biostatistics, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Christian G. Graff
2001 - 2009
Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Micrima
Kris H. Green
1994 to 1999
Professor and Chair, St. John Fisher College
Patrick Greene
2010 to 2018
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Computational Medicine, John Hopkins University
Thomas Gruszka
1980 to 1987
Professor, Western New Mexico University
Mark H. Hays
1990 to 1995
Wayne Hacker
1992 to 2002
Assistant Professor, AME, Univ of Arizona
Aric A. Hagberg
1989 to 1994
Staff Member, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Karl Haller
1992 to 1998
Assistant Professor, Pasco-Hernando Community College
David Halpern
1985 to 1989
Professor, University of Alabama
Stephen Hammel
1978 to 1986
Atmospheric Optics Group, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
Daniel Hariprasad
2009 to 2014
Research Scientist II, Biotechnology HPC Softwar Applications Institute, Ft Detrick, MD
Daniel Hariprasad
2009 to 2014
Research Scientist II, Biotechnology HPC Softwar Applications Institute, Ft Detrick, MD
Travis Harty
2014 to 2020
Scientist, World View
William G. Hawkins
1977 to 1983
Associate Professor, University of Arizona
William G. Hawkins
1977 to 1983
Associate Professor, University of Arizona
Nicholas Henscheid
2012 to 2018
Quantitative medicine scientist (AI/ML), Critical Path Institute, Tucson, AZ
Michelle A. Hine Armstrong
2010 to 2015
Engineering Scientist Associate, University of Texas, Austin
Soon Hoe Lim
2013 to 2018
Machine Learning Researcher, Nordita Institute, Stockholm
Andrew Hofstrand
2013 to 2019
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Optical Sciences, University of Arizona.
Benjamin Holman
2011 to 2016
Senior Systems Engineer I, Raytheon Missile Systems
Brian Hong
2013 to 2018
Software Engineer, MathWorks
Karla J. Horsch
1990 to 1997
Research Scientist, University of Chicago Medical Center
Scott Hottovy
2008 to 2013
Associate Professor, United States Naval Academy
Guangyu Hui
2013 to 2019
Quantitative Analyst Specialist, Wells Fargo
Elizabeth C. Hunke
1989 to 1994
Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Craig L. Hyde
1993 to 1998
Director, Pfizer Inc.
Jeffrey Hyman
2009 to 2014
Staff Scientist, Compuational Earth Science Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
A.Evan Iverson
1982 to 1987
Science Applications International Corp.
Per K. Jakobsen
1987 to 1990
Professor, University of Tromso, Norway
Edward James Bevan
1983 to 1995
Millennium Engineering & Integration Co., Arlington, VA
Edward S. Jimenez
2004 to 2010
Distinguished Optical Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories
Shan Jin
1987 to 1991
Statistician, University of Maryland
Shi Jin
1988 to 1991
Vilas Distinguished Achievment Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Gregory Johnson
Instructor, Dept of Mathematics, University of Arizona
William A. Johnson
1974 to 1978
Sandia National Laboratories, Retired
Patrick O. Kano
2001 to 2005
Sr. Multi-Disciplined Engineer, Raytheon Missile Systems
Nicholas Kappler
2012 to 2018
Engineer, Raytehon
Stuart T. Kent
2007 to 2013
Mobile Application Developer, Detroit Labs
Dustin Keys
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of North Texas
Isak Kilen
2012 to 2017
Norwegian Defense Establishment
Sangil Kim
1999 to 2005
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathemaicts, Pusan National University
Aaron A. King
1993 to 1999
Nelson G. Hairston Professor, of Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Complex Systems, University of Michgan
Natalia Komarova
1993 to 1998
Chancellor's Professor, University of California, Irvine
Dmitry Kondrashov
1997 to 2005
Senior Lecturer, University of Chicago
David A. Kopriva
1978 to 1982
Adjunct Professor, San Diego State University
Sergei L Kosakovsky Pond
1998 to 2003
Associate Dean for Research & Innovation, College of Science & Technology, Temple University
Hannah Kravitz
Assistant Professor, Computational Mathematics, Portland State University
Michael Kuecken
1998 to 2004
Researcher, Technical University of Dresden
Loong-Piu Kwok
1985 to 1988
Timothy L. Miller
1978 to 1982
Scientist (Retired, NASA)
Emily Lane
1998 to 2004
Coastal Modeller, National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), New Zealand
Andrew B. Leach
2011 to 2017
Machine Learning Deployment Engineer, Google
Grace Lee
Postdoctoral Fellow, Critical Path Institute (C-Path)
Andre Lehovich
1996 to 2005
Associate Staff Research Scientist, Decision Sciences International Corporation
Dan Li
ORISE Fellow, Food & Drug Admin
Shen-Min Liang
1979 to 1985
Professor, Far East University, Taiwan
Andy J. Linfoot
2000 to 2006
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Li Liu
1994 to 1999
Software Engineer, Los Angeles, CA
Arthur Lo
1998 to 2004
Senior Scientist, Theravance
Andrew E. Long
1990 to 1994
Associate Professor, Northern Kentucky University
Andrew E. Long
1990 to 1994
Associate Professor, Northern Kentucky University
David K. Love
2007 to 2013
Manager, Chat Bot Development, American Express
Yixia Lu
2000 - 2005
Instructor, South Suburban College
Kevin Luna
Research Mathematician, Air Force Research Laboratory
David N. Lyttle
2007 to 2013
Senior Scientist, Evvy
David N. Lyttle
2007 to 2013
Scientist, Computational Microbiome Sciences, Seres Therapeutics, Cambridge, MA
Robert "Bob" M. Jenkins
2003 to 2009
Postdoc, University of Arizona
Warren D. MacEvoy
1989 to 1994
Professor, Colorado Mesa University
Warren D. MacEvoy
1989 to 1994
Professor, Colorado Mesa University
Sarah E. Mann
2008 to 2013
Growth Analyst, Lead, Slack
David C. Marsden
1995 to 2002
Curriculum Manager, ACT Education Solutions, Australia
Arthur A. Mazer
1984 to 1990
Manage of Quantitative Analytics, Southern California Edison
Jared McBride
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Southern Virginia University
Austin J. McDaniel
2009 to 2015
Research Mathematician, Air Force Research Lab, Kirtland Airforce Base
Erica McEvoy
2005 to 2017
Principal Data Scientist, Capital One
Daniel L. McGee, Jr.
1989 to 1994
Executive Director, Kentucky Center for Mathematics
Luke McGuire
2008 to 2013
Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
Samuel McLaren
2016 to 2021
Laser Modeling Physicist Postdoc Researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Joseph McMahon
2003 to 2009
Applied Mathematician, U.S. Department of Defense
Tyler McMillen
1997 to 2003
Associate Professor, California State University Fullerton
Erin M. McNicholas
2000 to 2006
Associate Professor, Willamette University
Emily Meissen
2011 to 2017
Principal Data Scientist, LegalZoom
Gema A. Mercado Sanchez
1994 to 1999
Directora, Consejo Zacatecano de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion
Peter D. Miller
1989 to 1994
Professor, University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Jung Min Woo
1994 to 2000
Marla M. Moody
1984 to 1993
Regan Murray
1994 to 1999
Chief of the Drinking Water Treatment & Distribution Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Matthew R. Myers
1981 to 1987
Research Physicist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Patrik Nabelek
2012 to 2018
Postdoc, Oregon State University
Kiralyse Nissman (Gonzalez)
Engineer, Raytheon Technologies
Dwight Nwaigwe
2015 to 2021
Postdoc, INRIA in Grenoble, France
Marcel Oliver
1993 to 1996
Professor and Chair, Applied Mathematics, Katholische University, Germany
Jose Oliverio Alvarez-Sierra
1999 to 2005
Business Development Manager. Americas Upstream & Pipeline Electrification, Rotork
Edward Overman
1976 to 1978
Associate Professor, Ohio State University
Subok Park
1999 to 2004
Director, Clinical Strategy, Lunit Corporation
Paulo M. Parra
1992 to 2003
Matthew Pennybacker
2008 to 2013
Scientist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Jess Pillow
2016 - 2021
Postdoctoral Researcher, Nevada National Security Site
Angel Pineda-Fortin
1995 to 2002
Professor of Mathematics, Hofstra university
Benjamin R. Pittman-Polletta
2004 to 2010
Research Assistant Professor, Boston University
Anthony P. Pitucco
1986 to 1991
Department Chair, Pima Community College
Nikki Plackowski
2015 - 2021
Senior Software Engineer, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque NM
Martin P. Pokorny
1987 to 1992
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
James A. Powell
1985 to 1990
Interim Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Utah State University
Paul E. Proctor
1979 to 1982
C. David Pruett
1982 to 1986
Professor Emeritus, James Madison University
Stanislaw M. Przybytkowski
1978 to 1983
Performance Analyst, Pratt & Whitney, Canada
Stanislaw M. Przybytkowski
1978 to 1983
Performance Analyst, Pratt & Whitney, Canada
Nakul R. Chitnis
2000 to 2005
Project Leader, Dept. of Public Health and Epidemiology, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Donald R. Stark
1988 to 1995
Research Computing, University of Colorado, Boulder
Anita Rado Goriely
1993 to 1998
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
Rosalyn C. Rael
2003 to 2009
Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Aaron Ragsdale
2010 to 2016
Assistant Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Ramachandran Rajagopalan
1984 to 1989
Anupama Rao
1992 to 2001
Hannah J. Rasmussen Rhodes
1986 to 1993
Hannah J. Rasmussen Rhodes
1986 to 1993
David E. Rauschenberg
1989 to 1994
Senior Network Capacity Planning Engineer, Apple
Daniel Reich
2004 to 2009
Assistant Professor, Naval Postgraduate School
Daniel Reich
2004 to 2009
Assistant Professor, Naval Postgraduate School
Justine Ritchie
1988 to 1994
Senior Research Associate, ACT Education Solutions
Justine Ritchie
1988 to 1994
Senior Research Associate, ACT Education Solutions
Suzanne Robertson
2003 to 2009
Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
Mark Robertson-Tessi
2005 to 2010
Applied Research Scientist, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute
Heinz Roitner
1987 to 1991
Research Scientist, Research Center for Nondestructive Testing (RECENDT)
David Ropp
1991 to 2000
Systems Engineer, Northrop Grumann
W. Steven Rosenthal
2008 to 2014
Postdoc, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Louis Rossi
1990 to 1993
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Program, University of Delaware
David Russell
1977 to 1983
Chief Executive Officer, Intelligent Portal Systems, Inc.
Alexei Samsonovich
1991 to 1997
Research Assistant Professor, George Mason University
Randolph J. Schilling
1977 to 1982
Randolph J. Schilling
1977 to 1982
Constance Schober
1987 to 1991
Professor, University of Central Florida
Samuel Schofield
2001 to 2006
Computational Physicist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
William Schuster
1990 to 2002
Senior Engineer, Honeywell Aerospace
William J. Sehnert
1990 to 1995
Senior Research Associate/Image Scientist, Eastman Kodak
Aalok Shah
2008 to 2015
Staff Research Scientist, UPSTART
Toby Shearman
2009 to 2017
Senior Scientist, May Mobility
Michael Shelley
1983 to 1985
Director of the Computational Biology Center at the Flatiron Institute of the Simons Foundation
Professor, Mathematics, NYU Courant Institute
Fangfang Shen
2001 to 2006
Senior Test Engineer, Medtronic
Maxim Shkarayev
2002 to 2008
Senior Scientist, SHKA Incorporated
Edward Soares
1990 to 1994
Associate Professor, College of the Holy Cross
George Sohos
1989 to 1994
Director, Knight Capital Group
Francisco J. Solis
1988 to 1993
Associate Professor, CIMAT (Centro de Investigacion en Mathematicas Mexico)
Joshua E. Soneson
2000 to 2005
Staff Applied Mathematician, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Jeanine Soterwood
1997 to 2005
Development Team Lead, thoughtbot
Sivaguru Sritharan
1979 to 1982
Vice Chancellor at Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, India
David P. Stapleton
1984 to 1990
Professor, University of Central Oklahoma
Tomasz Stepinski
1980 to 1986
Professor, University of Cincinnati
Rebecca Stockbridge
2007 to 2013
Senior Android Engineer, Target Corp.
Joseph P. Stover
2001 to 2008
Associate Professor, Gonzaga University
Yu Su
1985 to 1990
Rosangela Sviercoski
2000 to 2005
Marie Curie International Fellow, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Stan Swierczek
2016 to 2021
ASEE Postdoc Fellow, Naval Research Laboratory
Craig Thompson
Suz Tolwinski-Ward
2006 to 2012
Senior Scientist, AIR Worldwide
Peter J. Tonellato
1978 to 1985
Professor, University of Missouri
Jhishen Tsay
1987 to 1991
Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Guillermo Uribe
1988 to 1993
Assistant Director, University of Arizona
Anne V. Clough
1982 to 1986
Professor, Marquette University
Jose B. Valdez Torres
1986 to 1989
Investigador, Centro de Investigacion en Alimentacion y Desarrollo
Danielle Van Boxel
Advanced Scientist/ Engineer, Rincon Research Corporation
Rebecca Vandiver Sanft
2004 to 2009
Chair & Assoc. Professor, Univ of North Carolina, Asheville
Amy Veprauskas
2010 to 2016
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana, Lafayette
John "Jack" W. Hoppin
1998 to 2003
Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Invicro, LLC
Brian D. Walton
1996 to 2002
Associate Professor, James Madison University
Abbie Warrick
1989 to 1996
Ammon Washburn
2014 to 2018
Vice President, Corporate Treasury, Goldman Sachs
Karen West
1980 to 1985
Robert R. Weyker
1981 to 1986
Patrick Whalen
2008 to 2014
Katherine Williams
2011 to 2016
Director, Business Development, Applied BioMath
C. Larrabee (Larry) Winter
1978 to 1982
Professor, University of Arizona
Michael A. Wolfson
1988 to 1994
Chief Technology Officer, MithrilNet
Tityik Wong
1990 to 1996
Professor, College of Southern Nevada
Lynnette Wood
1983 to 1986
President, Blue Madrona LLC
Michael Woodward
Postdoctoral Researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Busa Xaba
1980 to 1984
Zhuocheng Xiao
2016 to 2020
Swartz Fellow, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Hui "Alex" Xiong
2006 to 2011
Senior Manager, Discover Financial Services
Kenneth Yamamoto
2015 to 2020
NSF-RTG Postdoctoral Visisting Professor, Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Bole Yang
2007 to 2013
Senior Vice President, Citi Financial Services
Alex Young
2011 to 2017
Undergraduate Advisor & Lecturer, Statistics, Harvard University
Julie Zhiying Sun
2004 to 2009
Data Scientist, YouTube