Schiassi Abstract: Physics-Informed Extreme Theory of Functional Connections for parametric ODEs and PDEs

In this talk we present a novel, accurate, and robust physics-informed method for solving problems involving parametric differential equations (DEs) called the Extreme Theory of Functional Connections, or ETFC. The proposed method is a synergy of two recently developed frameworks for solving problems involving parametric DEs, 1) the Theory of Functional Connections, TFC, and the Physics-Informed Neural Networks, PINN. Although this talk focuses on the solution of exact problems involving parametric DEs (i.e. problems where the modeling error is negligible) with known parameters, ETFC can also be used for data-driven solutions and data-driven discovery of parametric DEs. In the proposed method, the latent solution of the parametric DEs is approximated by a TFC constrained expression that uses a Neural Network (NN) as the free-function. This approximate solution form always analytically satisfies the constraints of the DE, while maintaining a NN with unconstrained parameters, like the Deep-TFC method. ETFC differs from PINN and Deep-TFC; whereas PINN and Deep-TFC use a deep-NN, ETFC uses a single-layer NN, or more precisely, an Extreme Learning Machine, ELM. This choice is based on the properties of the ELM algorithm. In order to numerically validate the method, it was tested over a range of problems including the approximation of solutions to linear and non-linear ordinary DEs (ODEs), systems of ODEs (SODEs), and partial DEs (PDEs). The results show that ETFC achieves high accuracy with low computational time and thus it is comparable with the other state-of-the-art methods.