Schedule for Fall, 2022: All sessions held on Wednesdays at 4:00pm at the Math bldg. Room 501 or Zoom: password: math DATE PROFESSOR TITLE & ABSTRACT NOTES 8/24/2022 Misha Chertkov, Applied Mathematics Student host: System 2 Applied Mathematics Video 8/31/22 Ingmar Riedel, MCB Student host: Kevin Beck Synthetic cell-cell adhesins and 4-bit logic for programming multicellular interface patterns Video 9/14/22 Joanna Masel, EEB Student host: Asha Barua 2 mini talks: 1) Beyond fitness: evolution in two dimensions, and 2) Risk analysis for optimal deployment of non-pharmaceutical interventions Video 10/5/2022 Guang Yao, MCB Student host: Edward Huynh Modeling to identify the robust modulators of cellular sleep Video 10/12/2022 Leonid Kunyansky, Mathematics Student host: Rishi Pawar Inverse problems for partial differential equations, arising in imaging and medical tomography Video 10/19/2022 Ardith El-Kareh, Bio5 Student host: Christian Cooper Mathematical modeling of cancer growth and treatment Video 11/2/2022 Russell Witte, Medical Imaging Student host: Rebekah Saucier Mapping Current Densities in the Brain with Transcranial Acoustoelectric Imaging Video 11/9/2022 Marat Latypov, MSE Student host: Marium Yousuf Challenges and opportunities in computational thermodynamics of materials 11/16/2022 Laura Miller, Mathematics Student host: Saheed Ganiyu Using computational fluid dynamics to understand muscle driven movement by soft tissues and bodies: Case studies in tubular hearts and jellyfish 11/30/2022 Johann Rafelski, Physics Student host: Andrew Arnold