
Craig K. Abbey

1991 to 1998
Researcher, University of California, Santa Barbara

Ruby Abrams

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Critical Path Institute (C-Path)

Alberto Acevedo

Postdoc, Quantum Technologies, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera & Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain

Jesse Adams

2013 to 2019
Postdoctoral Researcher, Nevada National Security Site

Orna Amir

1995 to 1999
Analytics Group Manager, Waze, Google

Julia C. Arciero

2003 to 2008
Associate Professor, Indiana University--Purdue University Indianapolis

Sheree Arpin

2001 to 2007
Assistant Professor, Framingham State University

Jared Barber

2003 to 2009
Assistant Professor, Indiana University--Purdue University Indianapolis

Martin Bazant

1992 to 1993
Associate Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Brian Bell

A-4 group, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Francisco Bido

1994 to 1997
Head of Quantitative Research and Portfolio Manager, Cognios Capital

Jeremiah Birrell

2009 to 2014
Marshall H. Stone Visiting Asst Professor, Univ of Massachusetts Amherst

Matej Boguszak

2005 to 2007
Chair, Department of Mathematics and Business, Pima Community College

Bojan Bojan Durickovic

2005 to 2011
Vacuum Group Leader, Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University

Richard A. Brazier

1992 to 1997
Sr. Assoc Dean, Penn State Commonwealth
Prof Math & Geology

Theodore Broeren

Senior Engineer: Research & Development, Raytheon Technologies

Jackson K. Burton

2011 to 2016
Scientific Director of Mathematical and Statistical Medicine, Critical Path Institute

Sunring Chime

1986 to 1988
Manager, Biostatistics, Global Clinical Research and Development, Hospira

Carlos Chiquete

2005 to 2011
Postdoc, Shock and Dentonation Physics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Sean Coates

1989 to 1990
VP of Engineering, Dady Systems

Doug Cochran

School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering

Darin Comeau

2007 to 2013
Staff Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Kerry Commander

1980 to 1982
Science & Technology Coordinator, Naval Surface Warfare Center

Daniel Coombs

1996 to 2001
Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of British Columbia

John S. Costello

1997 to 1999
Software Development Engineer, Microsoft Corporation

Marc Courtemanche

1988 to 1993
Director, Solution Architecture, Vantrix Corporation

Justin Crum

Systems Engineer, Raytheon, Tucson, AZ

Haiyan Cui

1988 to 1995
Research Specialist, Sr., Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona

Caleb Dahlke

Postdoctoral Fellow, UQ-SciML Group, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Serina Diniega

2004 to 2010
Scientist/Systems Engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Joseph Dinius

2007 to 2014
Senior Research Engineer, UBTECH Robotics, North America R&D Center

Dustin Ditchen

1999 to 2001
Principal Multi-Disciplined Engineer, Raytheon

Luke Edwards

2014 to 2019
Cryptography Engineer, Aztec, United Kingdom

Joseph Erker

1992 to 2002
Professor Mathematics, Pima Community College

Xiaobing Fan

1984 to 1987
Research Professor, University of Chicago

M. Gregory Forest

1974 to 1979
Grant Dahlstrom Distinguished Professor of Mathematics

Sarah Frey Eichhorn

2000 to 2004
Associate Vice Provost, Teaching and Learning, University of California Irvine

Brendan Fry

2008 to 2013
Assistant Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver

Brandon Gallas

1992 to 2001
Mathematician, Imaging Physicist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Luis Garcia-Naranjo

2000 to 2007
Associate Professor, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy

John Gemmer

2006 to 2012
Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University

Howard Gifford

1989 to 1997
Associate Professor, University of Houston

Kerensa Gimre

2011 to 2013
Environmental Economist, Maul Foster & Alongi Inc.

Kevin Gomez

2014 to 2020
Sr. Systems Engineer, Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, AZ

Ted Gooley

1984 to 1990
Director of Clinical Biostatistics, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

John Goshy

1992 to 1996
Scientific Software Engineer, University of Arizona

Jack P. Green

1991 to 1994
Instructor, Mount Hood Community College

Kris H. Green

1994 to 1999
Professor and Chair, St. John Fisher College

Patrick Greene

2010 to 2018
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Computational Medicine, John Hopkins University

Kevin Gross

1997 to 1999
Senior Optical Engineer, OmniVision

Thomas Gruszka

1980 to 1987
Professor, Western New Mexico University

Kyle Gwirtz

2016 to 2019
Graduate Student, University of California, San Diego

Wayne Hacker

1992 to 2002
Assistant Professor, AME, Univ of Arizona

Aric A. Hagberg

1989 to 1994
Staff Member, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Peter Hall

2009 to 2011
Embedded Software Engineer, MicroBioSystems

Karl Haller

1992 to 1998
Assistant Professor, Pasco-Hernando Community College

Brian Hallmark

2003 to 2006
Assistant Research Professor
Bio5 Institute, University of Arizona

Stephen Hammel

1978 to 1986
Atmospheric Optics Group, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center

Daniel Hariprasad

2009 to 2014
Research Scientist II, Biotechnology HPC Softwar Applications Institute, Ft Detrick, MD

Daniel Hariprasad

2009 to 2014
Research Scientist II, Biotechnology HPC Softwar Applications Institute, Ft Detrick, MD

Nicholas Henscheid

2012 to 2018
Quantitative medicine scientist (AI/ML), Critical Path Institute, Tucson, AZ

Soon Hoe Lim

2013 to 2018
Machine Learning Researcher, Nordita Institute, Stockholm

Andrew Hofstrand

2013 to 2019
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Optical Sciences, University of Arizona.

Benjamin Holman

2011 to 2016
Senior Systems Engineer I, Raytheon Missile Systems

Brian Hong

2013 to 2018
Software Engineer, MathWorks

Karla J. Horsch

1990 to 1997
Research Scientist, University of Chicago Medical Center

Scott Hottovy

2008 to 2013
Associate Professor, United States Naval Academy

Guangyu Hui

2013 to 2019
Quantitative Analyst Specialist, Wells Fargo

Elizabeth C. Hunke

1989 to 1994
Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Craig Hutchings

2002 to 2004
Multi-Discipline Engineer, Raytheon Missile Systems

Edward Huynh

PhD Student, University of Texas, Austin

Jeffrey Hyman

2009 to 2014
Staff Scientist, Compuational Earth Science Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Alvaro Islas

1988 to 1992
Lecturer, University of Central Florida

A.Evan Iverson

1982 to 1987
Science Applications International Corp.

Edward S. Jimenez

2004 to 2010
Distinguished Optical Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories

Shan Jin

1987 to 1991
Statistician, University of Maryland

Shi Jin

1988 to 1991
Vilas Distinguished Achievment Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Gregory Johnson

Instructor, Dept of Mathematics, University of Arizona

Patrick O. Kano

2001 to 2005
Sr. Multi-Disciplined Engineer, Raytheon Missile Systems

Evan Kelemen

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Stuart T. Kent

2007 to 2013
Mobile Application Developer, Detroit Labs

Dustin Keys

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of North Texas

Isak Kilen

2012 to 2017
Norwegian Defense Establishment

Sangil Kim

1999 to 2005
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathemaicts, Pusan National University

Aaron A. King

1993 to 1999
Nelson G. Hairston Professor, of Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Complex Systems, University of Michgan

Natalia Komarova

1993 to 1998
Chancellor's Professor, University of California, Irvine

Sergei L Kosakovsky Pond

1998 to 2003
Associate Dean for Research & Innovation, College of Science & Technology, Temple University

Mark Kot

1982 to 1984
Associate Professor, University of Washington

Hannah Kravitz

Assistant Professor, Computational Mathematics, Portland State University

Rachel Labes

2002 to 2005
Faculty, The Nightingale-Bamford School

Emily Lane

1998 to 2004
Coastal Modeller, National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), New Zealand

Andrew B. Leach

2011 to 2017
Machine Learning Deployment Engineer, Google

Grace Lee

Postdoctoral Fellow, Critical Path Institute (C-Path)

Andre Lehovich

1996 to 2005
Associate Staff Research Scientist, Decision Sciences International Corporation

Dan Li

ORISE Fellow, Food & Drug Admin

Li Liu

1994 to 1999
Software Engineer, Los Angeles, CA

Arthur Lo

1998 to 2004
Senior Scientist, Theravance

Ethan Lockhart

Senior Machine Learning/Computer Vision Scientist at BAE Systems

Dale Lockwood

1990 to 1992
Instructor, Colorado State University

Andrew E. Long

1990 to 1994
Associate Professor, Northern Kentucky University

Andrew E. Long

1990 to 1994
Associate Professor, Northern Kentucky University

David K. Love

2007 to 2013
Manager, Chat Bot Development, American Express

Yixia Lu

2000 - 2005
Instructor, South Suburban College

Kevin Luna

Research Mathematician, Air Force Research Laboratory

Jennifer Lussier

2011 to 2014
Multi-Disciplined Engineer, Raytheon Missile Systems

David N. Lyttle

2007 to 2013
Scientist, Computational Microbiome Sciences, Seres Therapeutics, Cambridge, MA

David N. Lyttle

2007 to 2013
Scientist, Computational Microbiome Sciences, Seres Therapeutics, Cambridge, MA

David C. Marsden

1995 to 2002
Curriculum Manager, ACT Education Solutions, Australia

Serge Matheny

1991 to 1994
Instructor, Cape Code Community College

Serge Matheny

1991 to 1994
Instructor, Cape Code Community College

Arthur A. Mazer

1984 to 1990
Manage of Quantitative Analytics, Southern California Edison

Jared McBride

Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Southern Virginia University

Austin J. McDaniel

2009 to 2015
Research Mathematician, Air Force Research Lab, Kirtland Airforce Base

Erica McEvoy

2005 to 2017
Principal Data Scientist, Capital One

Luke McGuire

2008 to 2013
Assistant Professor, University of Arizona

John McKinnon

2018 - 2020
Graduate Student, Atmospheric Sciences PhD Program, University of Arizona

Samuel McLaren

2016 to 2021
Laser Modeling Physicist Postdoc Researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Joseph McMahon

2003 to 2009
Applied Mathematician, U.S. Department of Defense

Tyler McMillen

1997 to 2003
Associate Professor, California State University Fullerton

Mark Muktoyuk

1998 to 2000
Sr. Systems Engineer, Raytheon Missile Systems

Regan Murray

1994 to 1999
Chief of the Drinking Water Treatment & Distribution Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Matthew R. Myers

1981 to 1987
Research Physicist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Karen Nutt

2010 to 2012
Math Quality Control Specialist, ALEKS Corporation

Marcel Oliver

1993 to 1996
Professor and Chair, Applied Mathematics, Katholische University, Germany

Edward Overman

1976 to 1978
Associate Professor, Ohio State University

Subok Park

1999 to 2004
Director, Clinical Strategy, Lunit Corporation

John Pate

2007 to 2009
Principal Systems Engineer, Raytheon Missile Systems

Anya Petersen

2003 to 2006
Sr. Software Engineer, Buildings and Thermal Sciences, National Renewable Energy Lab

Jess Pillow

2016 - 2021
Postdoctoral Researcher, Nevada National Security Site

Nikki Plackowski

2015 - 2021
Senior Software Engineer, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque NM

James A. Powell

1985 to 1990
Interim Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Utah State University

C. David Pruett

1982 to 1986
Professor Emeritus, James Madison University

Julie Pullen

1991 to 1993
Director, Stevens Institute of Technology

Nakul R. Chitnis

2000 to 2005
Project Leader, Dept. of Public Health and Epidemiology, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Donald R. Stark

1988 to 1995
Research Computing, University of Colorado, Boulder

Aaron Ragsdale

2010 to 2016
Assistant Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Daniel Reich

2004 to 2009
Assistant Professor, Naval Postgraduate School

Daniel Reich

2004 to 2009
Assistant Professor, Naval Postgraduate School

Justine Ritchie

1988 to 1994
Senior Research Associate, ACT Education Solutions

Justine Ritchie

1988 to 1994
Senior Research Associate, ACT Education Solutions

Suzanne Robertson

2003 to 2009
Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University

Mark Robertson-Tessi

2005 to 2010
Applied Research Scientist, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute

Heinz Roitner

1987 to 1991
Research Scientist, Research Center for Nondestructive Testing (RECENDT)

David Ropp

1991 to 2000
Systems Engineer, Northrop Grumann

Tessa-Jonne Ropp

1999 to 2001
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Jason Rose

1995 to 1996
Faculty, Brigham Young University - Idaho

Louis Rossi

1990 to 1993
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Program, University of Delaware

Daniel Rovey

1991 to 2001
Engineering Consultant, Zero Point Frontiers Corp

David Russell

1977 to 1983
Chief Executive Officer, Intelligent Portal Systems, Inc.

Subhi Ruzieh

1982 to 1984
Assistant Professor, An-Najah National University

Craig Savage

1997 to 1999
Senior Quantitative Analyst, National Australia Bank

Samuel Schofield

2001 to 2006
Computational Physicist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

William J. Sehnert

1990 to 1995
Senior Research Associate/Image Scientist, Eastman Kodak

Aalok Shah

2008 to 2015
Staff Research Scientist, UPSTART

Michael Shelley

1983 to 1985
Director of the Computational Biology Center at the Flatiron Institute of the Simons Foundation
Professor, Mathematics, NYU Courant Institute

Xiangyang Shen

1989 to 1990
Member, Technical Staff at Alcatel-Lucent

Kelly Smith

2006 to 2008
Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin

Edward Soares

1990 to 1994
Associate Professor, College of the Holy Cross

Francisco J. Solis

1988 to 1993
Associate Professor, CIMAT (Centro de Investigacion en Mathematicas Mexico)

Joshua E. Soneson

2000 to 2005
Staff Applied Mathematician, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Nicole Soterwood

1998 to 2000
Senior Systems Engineer, Raytheon Missile Systems

Martin Staley

1989 to 1991
Technical Staff Member, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Stan Swierczek

2016 to 2021
ASEE Postdoc Fellow, Naval Research Laboratory

Jesse E. Taylor

1996 to 1998
Assistant Professor, Arizona State University

Jhishen Tsay

1987 to 1991
Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University

Jasmin Uribe

2011 to 2013
Graduate Student, University of Arizona

Amy Veprauskas

2010 to 2016
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana, Lafayette

Brian D. Walton

1996 to 2002
Associate Professor, James Madison University

Ammon Washburn

2014 to 2018
Vice President, Corporate Treasury, Goldman Sachs

Matthew Watts

2005 to 2007
Adjunct Faculty, Tidewater Community College

Simon Wenden

1990 to 1991
Risk Analysis, Royal Bank of Scotland

Mitch Wilson

2009 to 2011
Instructor, University of Arizona

Tityik Wong

1990 to 1996
Professor, College of Southern Nevada

Michael Woodward

Postdoctoral Researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Zhuocheng Xiao

2016 to 2020
Swartz Fellow, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University

Kenneth Yamamoto

2015 to 2020
NSF-RTG Postdoctoral Visisting Professor, Southern Methodist University (SMU)

Bole Yang

2007 to 2013
Senior Vice President, Citi Financial Services

Alex Young

2011 to 2017
Undergraduate Advisor & Lecturer, Statistics, Harvard University