Math 586(B) Spring 2025 Schedule

Schedule for Spring, 2025: 
All sessions held on Wednesdays at 4:00pm at ENR2, Room S395 (unless otherwise noted under NOTES)
1/22/25Doug Pickrell
Student Host: Ari Cruz Jacinto (Math)
Random holomorphic functionsJoint with Math students in Math building, Room 501
1/29/25Benoit Revil Baudard
Materials Science & Engineering
Student Host: Shelby Horth
Uncertainties Quantification for Cup Forming process 
2/5/25Shankar Venkataramani
Student Host:  Ashley Sodt

Case Studies in Biomechanics: Mathematics Inspired by Biology

Joint with Math students in the Math building, Room 501
2/12/25Oliver Monti
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Student Host: Carter Montag
Cutting through the noise: Advancing electronics one molecule at a time 
2/19/25Giorgio Cipolloni
Student Host: Tanner Muscarella
The mystery of universality of random matricesJoint with Math students in Math building, Room 501 
2/26/25Charles Wolgemuth
Student Host: Cory Fish
Biophysics of cell motility and membranes and other assorted interesting problems 
3/19/25Janek Wehr
Student Host: Noah McCollum-Gahley
Conductivity properties of disordered graphene  
3/26/25Patrick Shipman
Student Host: Emily Foley
Latimer Harris-Ward (Math)
 Joint with Math students in Math building, Room 501
4/2/25Thomas Purcell
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Student Host:  John Cohen
4/9/25Helen Zhang
Student Host: Dimitri Bolt
 Joint with Math students in Math building, Room 501
4/16/25Liliana Salvador
Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Student Host: Hrithik Aghav
4/23/25Marat Latypov
Materials Science & Engineering
Student Host: 
4/30/25Angelina Anani
Mining and Geological Engineering
Student Host: Joel Maldonado